Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I got my car today!
Yea! No major crack in the windshield, no major anything. Just my beautiful, dirty car that won't pass inspection here because of said crack in the windshield. But whatever! It's my car. Yea! Rock-It, I missed you.

Still Job Hunting
But I did apply at 3 new places today (my first major effort) and I got a call from the MaxStudio gal about a delay in background stuff and that I'm to expect a phone interview from the District Manager. Yea!

Went Exploring Again
Some photos. Mostly West Shore. Big waves and a cool rainbow in the valley.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Aloha again from beautiful Hawaii!
So much has happened since I last blogged...maybe because it's been 3 days or so, but at least I'm back!

I had the job interview on Thursday with Max Studio and it went REALLY well. Turns out that the job was for an assistant manager that will move up to Store Manager in 3 months when the manager leaves. THIS WOULD BE VERY COOL. Me with my own clothing store...hmmmm...is anyone else scared? I know I am! I should know on Sunday or Monday. Cross fingers here...

Great Sushi here. I knew there would be, but I had to get Matt out of the McDonald's and his newest addiction, Jamba Juice, before I could find some. Yum and it's nice when your sushi chef is actually Japanese.

Matt and I went swimming at one of Waikiki's many beaches last night and not 10 feet away from us was a hugh sea turtle. He was just hanging out, having a snack at the beach. He was neat.

Matt took me around the island today. We went over to the North Shore (yes, where they film North Shore) and it was beautiful. The south side of the island - it is divided by mountains - is very commercial and busy. Almost like Orlando, with tourist areas and a small city. It's very spread out. But the north side is almost untouched.

We went to the ranch where they filmed part of Jurassic Park. Again, I repeat, JURASSIC PARK. I'm in awe. I live on the island where they filmed Jurassic Park? How cool is that? We're going to go back and take the two hour guided horse tour of the ranch and see the very log that Dr. Grant and the kids hid under in the scene with the "flock" of dinos and the t-rex. Cool.

We took Highway 3 (there are only 3 on this island) back to town through the mountains and WOW what a view. That's the side of the island EVERYONE should see. Waikiki has some great beaches and hotels, but it's NOTHING compared to the North Shore. I forgot the camera, but you know what, I LIVE HERE NOW! I can take pictures anytime. Glee.

Who's first to visit? Anyone? Rumor has it that Nick and Dharna will be first for Christmas. Can't we do better than that? It's not Milwakee, people.

Next up...
Need to learn to surf.
Get apartment (view dream apt. on the 26th of August - 20th floor with a dishwasher that isn't named Leslie - I'm in!)
Matt goes to Seattle on the 6th until the 16th and I haven't decided if I'm going.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

So back to the trip...
I left Houston a day later than scheduled, which made the momma happy and let me goof off for one more day in Houston. Friday morning I got an early start and left Houston at about 7:30am. I stopped off at the World-Famous-Even-Though-YOU'VE-Never-Heard-Of-It OakRidge Smokehouse west of Houston and picked up some yummy snacks and the best pecan roll I've ever laid lips on.

In one amazing day I managed to get through west Texas, which is pretty much nothing but sand until El Paso which made me happy to not live there. I did see the Davy Crockett Monument in Crockett County and I did get pulled over for speeding by the Texas Highway Patrol (87 in a 75 = $121, but I deserved it), but overall Texas was uneventful.

After the never-ending stretch that was west Texas, I was finally in New Mexico which I cleared in about 2 hours, but not without enjoying the views and entertaining road signs reading "Prison in Area, Please Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers". Um, duh. I also saw an actual road runner. it ran right across the road in front of my car. Go figure.

Arizona is beautiful, but it was getting dark and I had to make a decision whether to stay in Tuscon or try to push all the way to Phoenix. Against the momma's helpful suggestions on the unreliable cell phone, I decided to head all the way to he burning city of Phoenix where I was to stay with Roy, aka Mr. Fabulous. I slept on the best air mattress ever (sorry Manda) and went to a fab breakfast the next morning. Roy showed me the town and I showed him the real reason I didn't go straight to LA.....Last Chance. Last Chance is the Nordstrom outlet outlet. Yes, twice. This is the stuff that didn't sell in the outlet, folks. Some trash, some deals...all fun. It was like they put a Nordies in the ghetto. $120 later I was a happy girl with some new shoes and plans to return.

I left Roy on Saturday and made track to the big hole that is the Grand Canyon to try and catch he sunset. I made it as far as the Grand Canyon Inn about 30 mins south of the GC and camped for the evening. The drive was breathtaking. I rolled the windows down and almost froze. At 7000 feet above sea level it was a weather wonder. The $89 per night GC Inn turned out to be worth the cash and was a very enjoyable sleep. I got to watch TV. Not a big deal to you, but I had been in the car with a DVD player and episodes of The Beverly Hillbillies and watching the Olympics was REALLY cool at this point.

I made it to the GC on Sunday. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. $20 for the National Parks Fee was TOTALLY worth it. The park was VERY well maintained, well signed and easy to navigate. The main attraction, of course, was the Grand Canyon. Indescribable. You really MUST go. Really.

After the GC, I took a little detour back east to see the Painted Desert where I found another big hole in the ground and took some more photos. Again, Fantastic scenery. SO worth the trip.

Made to to California late on Sunday night after another long drive that included a stretch on famous Route 66 and a greasy diner at the Roadkill Cafe. Yes, Really.

Stayed in Barstow, CA overnight at a lovely hotel that I won't remember the name of until the AMEX bill comes and hit the road early for LA.

LA was, well, LA. Hollywood was cool, but busy and I snapped pics going down the road. I managed to stop long enough to walk the stars and brush the leaves off of Queen's star then it was back in the car to drop it off a Matson, my shipper of choice.

MATSON IS NOT ON THE TOP OF LESLIE'S RECOMMENDATION LIST. This is the same company that called me 2 hours before the household container was supposed to arrive at the house for my stuff and let me know that they couldn't make it until next Tuesday. Matson sucked, but I lived and ended up with 7 bags of stuff to cart around LAX. NOT FUN. Checked with ATA for my ticket the next day and went to a FAB, FAB, FAB hotel near the airport.

Left early the next morning for Honolulu after a bump to first class and slept most of the flight. I was SO nervous to see my new home and my old hubby. :) The flight in was beautiful and seeing Matt was GREAT. Got leis from him and Will. Will's momma picked us up and we went to lunch. The rest is below in reverse order.

Thanks if you actually read all of that. I'm impressed I know that many words. What a trip. Literally. Happy to be, um, home.

Job interview with Max Studio today and Friday we find an apartment. Will update.

Oh! Matt took me to diner just after the photo below was taken and we sat next to and met our first celebrity, Jim Neighbors. Yes, folks, I met Gomer Pyle. Here's the photo. Live vicariously as needed.

Love you all!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Well, I made it! I landed in Honolulu at about 10:30 our time this morning. I can't believe I live in paradise! Matt and I are on our honeymoon tonight at the Raddison. More pics of the trip and island soon!

Thursday, August 12, 2004

As promised...

Jet Driving

Chris Catchin' some ZZZ's

No really, I'm awake!

On My Way...To The City By The Bay...
Ok, not really, I'm going to LA, but I'm heading that way.
It's about 11:00a Houston time and I'm about to leave for the westward drive. I'm a little late leaving, but I'm nursing a mild migraine and I don't have to tell most of you how much that sucks for me. I'm gonna go take the powerful stuff that makes driving fun (just kidding, mom!) and hit the road to get the car cleaned out (see photo of hairy back seat) and see Granny Bernice.

All cracked up...
Tuesday, about a mile from my mom's house, a rock jumped up and cracked my windshield. By the time I had stopped crying the crack had spread out to be about a foot long and curved. My poor car. First the dogs and cats and now this.

I'll let myself out...
So I'm really leaving now. Call me on the cell phone for the next couple of days. If you have it you're important. If not, you're a stranger (but not stranger than my friends). Love you all and thanks Mom for the great hospitality and dog sitting - I owe you big - like, um, a trip to Hawaii.

One last photo with my girls.

El Paso here I come...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hey Kids...
I'm currently on the way to Hawaii via Houston, Pheonix and LA. Will post pics from the road trip soon! No email until Hawaii so forgive. Should arrive on or about Aug. 15th or 16th. Keep the prayers comin', I'm not home yet.
By the way... Chuck is THE MAN and sent me my new pink mini ipod to momma's in Houston so I could load it up for the big trip...Thanks, Chuck! Now Jimmy Buffett, Meat Loaf and the whole Rat Pack are coming with me to Hawaii!