Sunday, October 17, 2004

Free stuff? I love free stuff!
The Matt & I went to the New Food and Products Expo today. The convention was set up in two sections: Food & New Products. We hit the food first after paying $4 for parking, but $0 for admission. Yum and Yuk all in one building. I enjoyed the Margarita flavored popcorn, but could have done without anything with tofu in it. Hey, at least I tried it. Also enjoyed the Hawaii version of Cinnabon, cookies, Mango Rum (mixed with Iced Tea), and anything fried. It was cool. Even Matt had a little fun with the food. Next came the products. I thought we were going to be VERY bored until I heard in the distance, "Welcome to Hawaii Championship Wrestling!" and saw Matt light up like Christmas. They were great. Hilarious. >. We watched them for about 20 mins then scouted out the rest of the show. Boring, boring, boring until I spotted the surround sound livingroom booth. The leather loveseat was wired with subwoofers so that when big booms or low music happened on the huge TV, you FELT it in the couch. Matt had to make me put the American Express back into my wallet. It was cool. So what did I do when I came home? Looked on eBay for the system, of course. I found it. For a LOT less. Maybe for Christmas. I should probably get a couch first. :)

One other highlight was the Arbonne booth that gave me great samples to be tried out this week. They had the nicest girls working there. Danielle swears by Arbonne. She's a consultant, too. I like their before and after pictures (except the scary one, eww).

Monday, October 11, 2004

Matt's First Aloha Shirt!
Also in this picture:
Our apartment's back door
Tiger drawing from home
My sophisticated home security system (two cans in front of the door)!

It has come to my attention
that the "Comments" section requires you to sign up for Please don't do this if you don't want to! You can still comment anonymously and just sign your name at the end of your comment. I'm not sure why they require this now, but somebody's getting a sternly worded email soon. Stupidheads.

Check out a new blogger...
My fabulous little (sorry) cousin, David (shown below at the "Gala Event of the Year" Leslie's Good-Bye Party) has been inspired by my greatness as I was once inspired by the great blogging Danielle. It's just a start, but show some love... David in FL.

Tourist Stuff
Matt & I visited the Memorial for the USS Arizona today. It was really cool. The video they played before the tour was very well done and gave a great history of the attack and war. But the BEST part...It was free! A Free MUST SEE for all visitors.
Photos below:

The entrance to the Memorial

Walking in

Inside the Memorial

A bit of the ship underwater

You know who in front of an active battleship while standing over the USS Arizona

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Hey Ya
No posts because no news. Sorry, but it looks like I'm back to being boring.

Work is going REALLY well and I think it's going to continue to rock. We have the nicest clothes I'm ever going to get to wear everyday. As soon as my employee number is in the system, I'm purchasing my first Cashmere sweater. It's hot pink. Yeah, baby.

The Puppies are Coming!
November 17th the puppies are approved to come into the state. The tentative plan is for me to fly into Houston in the week before Thanksgiving in a red-eye flight, spend the night, then pack up the dogs and fly home. 2.5 days total. The direct flight is only 7 hours instead of 13 like I thought. Yea! Less stress on the dogs and me.

We have to move due to the growing family (DOGS - not babies) and I'm not looking forward to it. It's really hard to find a good place here without being a local. I need a cheap, pretty, 2 bedroom place with a back yard. Wish luck.

Hawaii Update...
My latest Hawaii episode is on this Wednesday. October 10th at 8pm Est (I think that's 7pm for you, Mom). I'm in the funeral scene only, but should be visible. Black dress, hair 1/2 up in some, all up in others. Let me know if you see me! I'm 6 hours behind, ya know!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Another good excuse to feel yourself up. I'm going to miss the Race for the Cure here. I think Matt and I are going to be off island on a mini vacation. Darn. It was a little more important this year. Save the boobies.

No important photos this time, but I thought ya'll might enjoy this one of some Christian Dior glasses I have on eBay.
I'm so hot.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Did you know?
Did you know that you can leave comments on my blog and read comments left by others (Danielle) just by clicking on "Comments" below each post? Just a friendly reminder!