Thursday, November 25, 2004

Ok, It's official. I'm going home. Home to Orlando. Matt's staying. I'm going. It's new news for some, old for others. I'm happy to answer any questions except for, "Why do you want to leave paradise?" I'm kinda tired of that one. My return itinerary is as follows:

November 29th - Drop off car at shipping company - not Matson, thank God.
November 30th - Horseback riding at Kualoa Ranch where Jurassic Park was filmed. (This has NOTHING to do with the move, I just wanted to gloat.
December 4th - Last day of work at Ralph Lauren. Also the day of our #1 shopping day of the year, our Christmas Breakfast event.
December 9th - Fly to Oakland, CA
December 10th - Pick up car and haul butt to Texas to arrive in time for...
December 11th - Mom's work Christmas Party that SHE planned (it runs in the family).
December 12th - All the Mexican food I can eat with all the family members I can round up.
December 13th - Leave for FL with two happy dogs. Drive straight through with possible stops at all available Cracker Barrels and Waffle Houses. MMMMMMM....Waffle House.
December 15th - Jack's Birthday Party (Bowling!) and Matt's arrival date. Matt's here for 7 full days.
December 18th - Nika's wedding.
December 19th - Momma arrives in FL for a week. Yea!
December 20th - Christmas for Matt only at the Lormann's house.
December 22nd - Matt goes back to HI :(
December 24th - Aunt Sandee's Christmas Extravaganza - spend night in Cocoa Beach at condo.
December 25th - Morning - Condo, Afternoon - Lormanns', Evening - Pladdys'/Erik's
December 26th - Get a job.

Well there it is. My December schedule. Back to normal.
More to come, I promise.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Aloha Again!
Yeah, I'm a slacker, but I try. goes...

My work is going well. We have some BIG events coming up for the holidays 2 parties and one BIG sale event just this month so I feel super busy. I like the professional atmosphere and the Japanese tourists are great. I had a pair of ladies try and describe to me that the person they were buying for had large breasts. It was so funny that I just let them pantomine a little too long before cracking up laughing with them. Good times.
Seems like everything in my closet now has a little man riding a horse on it :)

Matt seems to be doing well. He got a line for November - no more "on-call", he now has a real schedule and flies almost every day this month. Busy, but good and I think he likes it.
I flew to Maui with him today. That was cool. Over and back and we didn't crash so I guess he's doing fine :)

We're trying to find SOMETHING else to do on this rock besides snorkel and work. We went to the beach on Tuesday for the first time in about a month. It was nice to lay out for a while. I noticed that there are more pretty beachgoers in Hawaii than in Florida. Sorry, but it's true. Look around next time you go to a FL beach. It's all fat people from Ohio. People who come to Hawaii beaches really take about 6 months to get all hot then come over and show off. It's kinda like South Beach, but less gay. Ok, a LOT less gay.

We're on the house hunt again for a place for the dogs. They should come over in early December or whenever they're done packing and making their flight arrangements :)

Matt and I went to the Big Island (Hawaii) on the 23rd. It was great to explore again. We saw the REAL southernmost point in the US (liars) and some cool sights and people. Oh, and I found my dreamhouse. I think I would move it to Austin, TX or something, but this is the house...

Other cool sights from our trip:

The Surfin' Ass home of the tastey Donkey Balls (don't ask if you don't want to know)

A group of local spearfishers with their catches

The wind farm. This was cool to see in the middle of nowhere

The Painted Church - great little place with awesome folk art murals inside

Oh and some rocks - the whole beach was made of rocks. It rocks, haha.

Does this beach make my butt look big? :)

This has nothing to do with Hawaii, but I dug up this picture from the 4th of July party.

If you look closely, you can almost see Lindsey's brain. :)
(Just kidding, Lindsey) I miss you girls!!!